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Technology Support Contact

Ginger Bullock

Phone: 843-236-7300 ext. 723158

All students are assessed a Technology Fee of $25 for the full academic year, due at time of registration.  The fee may be paid online or in person at the appropriate school.

 Students who PAY the Technology Fee:

  • pay an additional $25 for the first accidental damage repair, $75 for the second accidental damage repair and full cost of repair/replacement for all subsequent accidental damage repairs during the academic year
  • pay an additional $25 for device replacement due to theft (requires formal police report)
  • pay full repair for all damage caused by neglect or abuse
  • pay full replacement cost for loss of device
  • students in grades 6-12 are allowed to take devices home
  • students in grades K-5 are allowed to take devices home ONLY when school is in eLearning/Distance Learning program days

 Students who DO NOT PAY the Technology Fee:

  • pay full repair cost for all damage
  • pay full replacememt cost for lost due to theft
  • pay full replacement cost for loss of device
  • students in grades K-12 are not allowed to take devices home